Friday, June 15, 2012

Josefina's Birthday

Kirsten and Molly are super excited; it's a special day and they are planning a surprise for a good friend. They have everything they need for a surprise party, everything that is, except the guest of honor. It's so hard to wait patiently for their friend to arrive.

As soon as Josefina walks in the door the girls both yell out, "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" They give Josefina a special birthday hat they made for her. They made it last Saturday while Josefina was at her cousin's house. The hat is made from a piece of colored construction paper that the girls rolled into a cone and taped together. they decorated the hat with artwork and glitter. They attached a piece of elastic to the birthday hat so it would stay on Josefina's head.

Josefina is so surprised! "I can't believe you planned all of this for me! What wonderful friends you are!" The girls are both so happy. They love making other people feel special.

"Time to open your gift!" Kirsten says; she can't wait for Josefina to look inside the box and see the special surprise inside. Kirsten and Molly picked this gift out especially for Josefina; before wrapping it they carefully poked little holes in the top of the box. They can't wait for Josefina to see her gift; it is warm and gray and fuzzy. Can you guess what it is?

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